

In Theed[Naboo's capital], Obi-wan and his master Qui-Gon is fighting with Darth Maul.
He is as powerful as the two jedi. He concentrates on the duel and doesn't allow them to take the lead in the battle. A ordinary viewer would think that the two jedi is trying to corner the sith, I thouhgt so at first. But it is wrong. The sith is stroger than the two jedi. Obi-wan is too young
and unexperienced. Qui-Gon is in sixties and becomes weeker and weeker. On the other hand, the sith is in thirties and matured. In addition, he has trained eagerly in order to kill jedi. He is a jedi killer.


In Coruscant, Palpatine takes office as a chancellor in order to save the situation.
He is from Naboo ,where the Trade Federation occupys and is one of the most excellent representatives.
On the other hand, Padme makes up her mind to turn back to Naboo and fight with Trade Federation. Palpatine opposed her opinion, but in spite of his warning, she leaves Coruscant.
Jedi Order sends two jedi to Naboo to guard the queen and fight with the sith. Of course Anakin accompanies them.
In Naboo's royal palace, Nute Gunray is talking with Darth Sidious on hologram. Sidious informs him that the queen is coming back there. [When I see the scene, I wondered why he knows the fact.] A "star war" is about to begin.



When they are about to leave Tatooine, Qui-gon is attacked suddenly by somebody with lightsaber.
The attacker is the dark lord of the sith, Darth Maul, who is Sidious's apprentice.He seems to be as powerful as ,or more powerful than Qui-Gon. After fighting with the sith, he succeeds to escape barely. The phantom manace shocks jedi order. Judging from the report of Qui-Gon, the jedi masters[Yoda,Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, etc] are convinced of the exsistence of the sith.



Episode1 "Phantom Menace" was released in 1999. I had never seen STAR WARS ,so I had no interest in the CM of the movie.
I saw STAR WARS on TV for the first time in 2002, when Episode2 was released. It was great!!
Since then ,I have been obsesses with STAR WARS.
The main character is Anakin, of course. The theme of this movie is "the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker" , so "STAR WARS without Anakin" is nonsense.The other characters are Obi-wan, his master Qui-Gon, and Padme.They meet him in a planet by chance. Qui-gon find out rare abilities in the 9-year-old boy.
Anakin determines to leave home, and to be trained to be a jedi. But they 're about to be exposed to the "phantom menace" .



When Luke is on the verge of being killed, Vader hold up the emperor's body and throw away at the expense of himself. He is not "The Lord Of The Sith", "Lord Vader" or "Darth Vader" any more, but A jedi knight!, ANAKIN SKYWALKER!!
Exposed to "forth lightning", Anakin dies. The theme of STAR WARS is the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. When he dies, the story ends.[In fact, there are more sagas after Episode6]
That's why there is no STAR WARS movie.If you are interested in Episode7,8,9, I suggest that you read novel version.
A ordinary person woud want to see Episode1 after seeing Episode 6. So, I will write about Episode1"Phantom Menace" See you!



The fact is that he is a twin and he has a sister, Leia.
Before the imperial rule started, Obi-wan left Luke with Anakin's uncle, and her with Bail Organa in order to protect from the threat of the empire, to be precise,
the threat of the emperor,Palpatine, who ordered Clone troopers to kill jedi twenty years ago. Obi-wan considered that if he had realized the exisence of Anakin's children , he would have killed them immediately, so he and Yoda hid the twins[ and themselves] from the emperor.
In Episode6 , Luke fights with his father again. He has been stronger than before and beats him However the young jedi is too weak compared with Palpatine. Exposed to electric shock of forth [Forth Lightning], Luke is suffering from the pain and would be dead without help.
I will talk the last part of Episode6 next time , see you !



After escaping from Darth Vader , Luke visit a planet[Tatooine, where Luke was born.] in order to help his friend, Han Solo. Luke and his friends successed to break into Jabba the Hutt's palace, but soon,they were captured. Although they got into troubles ,they managed to rescue Han Solo beautifully, and went back home.
While going back home, Luke dropped in at a planet where Yoda lives. To his surprise, Yoda had weakend with age. He advised Luke to keep training and tried to say something very important, but before finishing saying, left this world. What he was trying to say? You can know the truth even if you see DVD or read the novel.
I will talk about the story next time. See you!!



Episode6 "Return Of The Jedi" was released in 1983.
At first, the theme was "Revenge Of The Jedi" .But that was changed about ten years ago.
Why "Revenge " was turned into "Return"? There are two reasons.
First, Jedi will not "revenge". Jedi love peace and justice, and pledge allegiance to democracy, to the Republic. In sum, jedi are pacifist. The word"revenge " would not suit the image of jedi.
Second, in fact the word "revenge" was used as the theme of Episode3. Yes! The theme is "Revenge Of The Sith ". In the contrary to Jedi , Sith will "revenge" and and the word is suited to the image of the Sith[Load Sidious] . For these two reasons , the theme had to be changed.

Next time I will write about the story of Episode6.



Today, I will talk about Episode5 "The Empire Strikes Back".
In Episode4, Luke realized he was destined to be a jedi. In Episode5, he grew and became stronger, but he was not a jedi at that time, he was an apprentice.In order to be a jedi master, he visited a planet , where a great jedi master Yoda lives, and began training.

Even the training had not finished, Luke made up his mind to fight with Lord Vader.
In the fight, Luke lost one arm[Vader also lost one arm in Episode2], escaped by a narrow margin,and realized Vader is his father.From this time, Vader searched for Luke obstinately.

I will talk about Episode6 "Return of the Jedi".



As you know, my favorite movie is STAR WARS.
The first saga Episode4 "A NEW HOPE" was released about thirty years ago.
The main character is Luke Skywalker[20 years old],who is Anakin's son.
He lives with relatives on father's side. In fact, he is a twin. He has a sister. She lives in another planet. Of course they do not kwow that they have a sister or a brother at this point.They will know the fact in Episode6.By the way, why they have got separated from each other? If you want to kwow, you should borrow two DVDs[Episode4 and Episode3] from TSUTAYA ,and you can't live without STAR WARS,Ibelieve.


The rainy season has begun.

The rainy season has begun.
It will be rainy and cloudy for a month. I hate rainy season.

On June 11th, I have a midterm examination of Chinese.
It is very easy to write and read Chinese because it is similar to Japanese,however not easy to listen and speak. Fortunately, I do not have a lot of things to study beforehand.

My friends has begun part-time job. Should I begin it too? I do not have enough time to do it, but I do not have enough money. If I had 10000 yen, I could do many things. What I can do now is saving money.

The rainy season has begun.


Keio VS Waseda

Yesterday, We went to Jingu Stadium to see baseball game ;Keio VS Waseda.

I changed trains at Shibuya station and arrived at Gaienmae station at 10.
Because I did not know where to go, I walked and walked for thirty minutes around the station.
It was very hot though the before day, it was rainy and cold.

The game began, AND we won[It is very tough for me to tell about the baseball game in ENGLISH!].

After the game we went to a restaurant, and drunk[as uaual].
Today, I had no classes! Exellent!!