

The fact is that he is a twin and he has a sister, Leia.
Before the imperial rule started, Obi-wan left Luke with Anakin's uncle, and her with Bail Organa in order to protect from the threat of the empire, to be precise,
the threat of the emperor,Palpatine, who ordered Clone troopers to kill jedi twenty years ago. Obi-wan considered that if he had realized the exisence of Anakin's children , he would have killed them immediately, so he and Yoda hid the twins[ and themselves] from the emperor.
In Episode6 , Luke fights with his father again. He has been stronger than before and beats him However the young jedi is too weak compared with Palpatine. Exposed to electric shock of forth [Forth Lightning], Luke is suffering from the pain and would be dead without help.
I will talk the last part of Episode6 next time , see you !

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