
Higurashi Daybreak 2

Last week, I talked about the PC game, Higurashi Daybreak and some characters.
My favorite character is Jiro Tomitake, who uses cameras as weapons.
He has two kinds of cameras.One is a survival camera,and the other is a retro camera.
The former; The range is very short. Unless you approach a enemy as touching, you can not
even attack him. The latter is very useful. Opposite to survival camera, the range is very long
and wide and the speed is fast. Although the reload is very slow, this weapon is powerful.
In fact, he has the other weapon; submachinegun.This weapon is very strong.I think that is the strongest in the all weapons.It doesn't have decisive attack, however shooting is very good and range is very long.
There are some strange characters and weapons, so I will talk about the teacher, Rumiko Chie.
She is also very strong.

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