

Many jedi are killed by Clones all over the galaxy.
Jedi in the temple were killed by Anakin Skywalker.
Palpatine said to Anakin"Do not hisitate ,show no mercy!".
So Anakin kills even young jedi and children. It is a terrible thing. When Obi-wan finds these bodies, he asks Yoda" Who? Who could done this?"
At the last, Obi-wan fights with Anakin in Mustafar. I have seen the duel many times becouse it is wonderful. When I saw the scene 3 years ago in a theater, I was impressed with it. On the other hand in Coruscant, Yoda fight with Sidious[Palpatine].Their fight is very impressive, too.
Yoda's acrobatic movement is nice[It is impossible in real world].

It is three years since Episode 3 was released in Japan.This summer, "Clone Wars" will be released. Let's go to the theater on August 23!




In Episode3,which was released just 3years ago[On July 10th. It is also the deadline.] Anakin is 23 years old. At the beginning, the familiar two jedi fight with Count Dooku again. The last time,
they were defeated. But this time, Anakin beats him easily. Dooku has not become week, Anakin has become more powerful than before. However, he has gradually depended on darkside of the force. Even his [once] master,Obi-wan does'nt notice that at this time.
At last jedi order realizes that Palpatine is the sith, Darth Sidious. The four great jedis tris to arrest him. On the other hand, Palpatine says "That's treason,then." No sooner does he say that than attacks them with lightsaber. He kills three of them in a moment, but forced to engage in a hard fought struggle with Mace Windu. Fortunately[ for the sith, not for Mace], with Anakin's help, he succeeds to kill the jedi. After this, Anakin turns into Darth Vader and do terrible things.


I had a test.

I had a test yesterday. It was Cmmunication. It was not difficult, but I could'nt do my best.
It was the second exam for me since I started school, not first one. I had a middle term exam in June. The subject is Chinese. In a semester, we have two Chinese exams. The middle test was good because I only had to memorize pinyin. But this time, I have to master some grammar.There many words to memorize.I have to study in earnest.


How have I changed?

When I was in Shizuoka, I was very healty.For example, I rarely had a cold, or had stomachache and headache. But things had changed. I moved to Hiyoshi from Shizuoka in March, and since April I have lived for myself without parents' help.[Of course, food and money are sent from them]
I am not good at making meals, so gradually,I have been depend on fast food and junk food.
I lost weight and became unhealthy. Now my nose is running and Ican not stop sneezing.In addtion, I have a stomachache. I have to change my life style.



Between Episode2 and Episode3, there is another episode.
The episode is STAR WARS/ CLONE WARS. At the end of Episode2, Clone wars start.
Anakin is promoted to a jedi knight[not master, not either padawan]and has a padawan,Ahsoka.
[She is not in Episode3. so I think she has died ]
In fact, I don't know the story in detail. Broadly speaking, they fight, duel,fight ,duel and fight.
The new enemy of jedi and clones is Asaji Ventress. Though she is not sith[she is darkjedi], she is enough powerful to kill a lot of clones and some jedi.She even captureObi-wan.
I am going to see this movie this summer. I am interested in the way Asaji fight with lightsaber.


In Episode2 , Anakin has been 19 years.
He sees Padme again , who Anakin has loved since they first met in Tatooine.
A jedi is not allowed to love someone because feelings such as "love","anger",
and "hatred" caused destruction. From this point, Anakin begins to tread a path of sith.
At the end of this saga, Anakin [and Obi-wan] have a fight with Count Dooku, but they are defeated. Count Dooku is the sith. He was a jedi master ten years ago , but due to disappointment at the corrupted Senate, and death of his apprentice, Qui-Gon, he left jedi order.
Thanks to "attack of the clone" the Republic manages to win the war. However, Yoda fails to capture Dooku. He feels darkside of the forth nearby.What does it mean?



Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon and tries to kill Obi-wan too.
The young jedi loses his lightsaber and is on the verge of being killed.
To my surprise, with the help of forth, he hold his master's weapon and stabs him with it.
In the palace, Padme's team succeeds to capture Nute Gunray and the other members.
Obi-wan is promoted to jedi after this duel, and allowed to have a padawan. Of course, the padawan is Anakin Skywalker.
Then, Is episode1 is"happy end"? When I saw it for the first time, I thoght that. No. It is by no means "happy end", however no one realize the fact, even master Yoda. Revenge of the sith has already started,and the dark lord of the sith is ready to rule the galaxy at this time.