

Between Episode2 and Episode3, there is another episode.
The episode is STAR WARS/ CLONE WARS. At the end of Episode2, Clone wars start.
Anakin is promoted to a jedi knight[not master, not either padawan]and has a padawan,Ahsoka.
[She is not in Episode3. so I think she has died ]
In fact, I don't know the story in detail. Broadly speaking, they fight, duel,fight ,duel and fight.
The new enemy of jedi and clones is Asaji Ventress. Though she is not sith[she is darkjedi], she is enough powerful to kill a lot of clones and some jedi.She even captureObi-wan.
I am going to see this movie this summer. I am interested in the way Asaji fight with lightsaber.

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