

In Episode3,which was released just 3years ago[On July 10th. It is also the deadline.] Anakin is 23 years old. At the beginning, the familiar two jedi fight with Count Dooku again. The last time,
they were defeated. But this time, Anakin beats him easily. Dooku has not become week, Anakin has become more powerful than before. However, he has gradually depended on darkside of the force. Even his [once] master,Obi-wan does'nt notice that at this time.
At last jedi order realizes that Palpatine is the sith, Darth Sidious. The four great jedis tris to arrest him. On the other hand, Palpatine says "That's treason,then." No sooner does he say that than attacks them with lightsaber. He kills three of them in a moment, but forced to engage in a hard fought struggle with Mace Windu. Fortunately[ for the sith, not for Mace], with Anakin's help, he succeeds to kill the jedi. After this, Anakin turns into Darth Vader and do terrible things.

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