

In Episode2 , Anakin has been 19 years.
He sees Padme again , who Anakin has loved since they first met in Tatooine.
A jedi is not allowed to love someone because feelings such as "love","anger",
and "hatred" caused destruction. From this point, Anakin begins to tread a path of sith.
At the end of this saga, Anakin [and Obi-wan] have a fight with Count Dooku, but they are defeated. Count Dooku is the sith. He was a jedi master ten years ago , but due to disappointment at the corrupted Senate, and death of his apprentice, Qui-Gon, he left jedi order.
Thanks to "attack of the clone" the Republic manages to win the war. However, Yoda fails to capture Dooku. He feels darkside of the forth nearby.What does it mean?

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