

Today,on May 28th,I had three crasses.The first subject was Commercial Studies,the second one was Differential and integral calculus and the last one was Chinese language.
These three subjects are my favorite one,so I enjoyed studing them.

Tomorrow I have four crasses ;English[Comunication], Economics, and Biology[2hours].
These are tough for me, especially,Economics is very difficult to understand for me.
We will have a quis of it.

Tomorrow is MY BIRTHDAY!! I will be 19 years old soon . I am very looking forward to it!


From Izu to Hiyoshi

Last night we drunk. Most of our members drunk.
It was raining,so we did not play with fireworks. They will be used this summer.
Some of them drunk very much, and went to bed or stayed up late.
One of my friends said proudly. "I stayed up till 6 in the morning!" CRAZY!
The next day, we went to the aquarium, where we stayed for 5 hours.
Everyone were tired,so some fell in sleep there.

It was busy two days. I am doing my homework now.

From Izu to Hiyoshi



Since I started school in April,I have studying Chinese language.
Every students must choose two languages, which they will study for two years[if you make no trouble]. Most of them choose English ,which they had been studying for 6 years. For them, English is the most familiar languages except thier mother tongue.The other language is German, French, Spanish, or Chinese. I selected Chinese because I expected that I would master it easily because it is very similar to Japanese. In fact, Chinese is more difficult than I had expected, I should have chosen Spanish! I am studying Chinese now. Tough!



Nowadays, I began to go to vocational school in Hiyoshi.
The course is for those who will be a certified public accountant.
It is composed of four lectures, and if you understand the contents completely, you will pass the Third Grade proficiency test for bookkeeping.
The course is starts on 7,and ends on 9, so sometimes I become sleepy.
On Wednesdays, I have four classes in the university,which is very tough.

After finishing the course, I am going to apply for admission to enter the school.
It will cost me about 600000 yen and I do not have enough money at present .
So I have to start a part time job.



This Saturday,

This Saturday, I am going to Izu with my fellow circle members.
This is the first trip since I became a university student,so I am looking forward to it.

I am going to Hiyoshi Station by at 1 in the afternoon,and taking a bus . It will take about 2 hours to reach Izu. At hotel[Japanese-style hotel] ,we will eat , drink [Those who are under 20 years are not allowed to drink. I am 18 years old.So I will not drink. Unfortunately, however, most of the those who are the same year will drink without hesitating. ]

The next day, we are going to an aquarium . I want to go but I wil not enter it because it will cost very much. Ido not have enough money now.

In the evening on Sunday, we will come back.Everyone will be very tired and sleepy, Iam sure.


My favorite things4

I will write about my favorite semtenses.
One of them is "Everything is going as planned". Who said that?
Of course ,Darth Sidius.He said that in Episode 2 "Attack of the clone"
Because he was able to foresee the future, it was not so difficult for him to carry out his plan.
An ordinary person would not say such a thing,even a jedi master.
Darth Sidius is more powerful than any jedi,than most powerful jedi ,Yoda.
In three episodes[Episode2,5.6] , he says "Everything is going as planned"or "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen"
Another one is "Your arrogance blinds you"
In Episode3 Sidius said to Yoda before they were about to duel.
For those who have not seen Episode1-3,it is immpossible to understand the meaning of the line.
Even you see it once ,it is difficult. So I suggest that you see STAR WARS at least three times.
You should concentrate on the story.


Golden Week2

After staying at home for two days ,I came back to Hiyoshi-cho.
Because I had homework,I had to finish it.It was tough.

On May sixth, the crasses began. The first crass was Economics.For some reasons, there were less students than usual.Maybe they were tired,and so I was.In the latter of the crass,I became sleepy,and finally fell into a doze.

Next time I will talk about my favorite things[as usual]. "My favorite things4"

Golden Week1

We have holidays at the beggining of May.
The term is called "Golden Week".[Of course, it is Japanese English].
Many people move. To their hometowns,foreign countries,or theme parks,such as TDR[Tokyo Disney Resort] orUSJ[Universal Studios Japan].

On May second, I went back to my hometown ,Shizuoka.It took about 2hours by train to arrive there,and because it was rainning, I had to have an umbrella with me. On top of that,the luggage was very heavy. When I reach my house,I feeled very tired


My favorite things3

Today, Iwill talk about my favorite subjects.
I have studied "The five main subjects"Japanese language,Mathmatics,Science[chemistry,biology,physics and earth science],Social studies,[including World history,Japanese history,and geography] and English.
When I was a high school student, I majored in World history.I like it because it is like a"long story". After understanding the story,memorizing many words is not so hard[at least for me]
In fact,many students say"It is impossible to memorize these words"or "I should have majored in Geography instead of World history". They often try to memorize words by writting without understanding. Of course "writting" is important , but "memorizing without understanding" is waste of time.
I majored in Biology too.Contrary to World history ,I did[and do]not like Biology because I had[and have] no interest in it. If I had been interested in Biology ,things could have changed, I am sure.


My favorite things2

Hello,today,I will write about my favorite things too.
I wrote about my favorite movie ,so I will talk about my favorite book.
My favorite book is・・・・・・let me see ・・・Nothing Special!
I like reading books or newspapers,but I do not have so many books and I am not an avid reader.When I have a little time or I am in a train,I often read them.For example,"Harry Potter"[in Japanese and English] ,Star Wars,and textbooks of economics or management.

Harry Potter7 will be released in July.I am looking forward to reading it.

My favorite things2