
This Saturday,

This Saturday, I am going to Izu with my fellow circle members.
This is the first trip since I became a university student,so I am looking forward to it.

I am going to Hiyoshi Station by at 1 in the afternoon,and taking a bus . It will take about 2 hours to reach Izu. At hotel[Japanese-style hotel] ,we will eat , drink [Those who are under 20 years are not allowed to drink. I am 18 years old.So I will not drink. Unfortunately, however, most of the those who are the same year will drink without hesitating. ]

The next day, we are going to an aquarium . I want to go but I wil not enter it because it will cost very much. Ido not have enough money now.

In the evening on Sunday, we will come back.Everyone will be very tired and sleepy, Iam sure.

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