
A new hope

I saw STAR WARS Episode4 "A new hope" after a long separation.
The main character Luke Skywalker is 18 years old.[He is younger than I!]
He lives with his aunt and uncle. His father is Anakin, who was a great gedi
knight but now Lord Vader.He is no longer a gedi even a human being.
His mother is Padme, who was killed by her husband 18 years ago.
So, Luke is similar to Paikea because her mother has also died and father has disappeared.
In episode6 ,Luke has be a gedi and successes to beat Palpatine,so it is good end.
Harry Potter also successes to beat Tom Riddle.I don't know about The Ring, but maybe Paikea will successes to do......something!

A new


Chinese test

I was planning to write about the PC game, Higurashi Daybreak
and one of the characters, Chie Rumiko.However,today I do not
have enough time,so I decided to write about another thing.[It takes
about forty minutes to finish because I have to look up many unfamiliar
words in a dictionary.]
So, today I will talk about Chinese test that I took last month.
The result was bad. Maybe I was the bottom of the class.
Before summer vacation, I got a grade of 8X on the test.So, I do not
worry about the credit.Even so, I want to get the grade of B.
So, I began to study Chinese last week!


Higurashi Daybreak 2

Last week, I talked about the PC game, Higurashi Daybreak and some characters.
My favorite character is Jiro Tomitake, who uses cameras as weapons.
He has two kinds of cameras.One is a survival camera,and the other is a retro camera.
The former; The range is very short. Unless you approach a enemy as touching, you can not
even attack him. The latter is very useful. Opposite to survival camera, the range is very long
and wide and the speed is fast. Although the reload is very slow, this weapon is powerful.
In fact, he has the other weapon; submachinegun.This weapon is very strong.I think that is the strongest in the all weapons.It doesn't have decisive attack, however shooting is very good and range is very long.
There are some strange characters and weapons, so I will talk about the teacher, Rumiko Chie.
She is also very strong.


Higurashi Daybreak

Two weeks ago, I talked about the comic, higurashi no nakukoroni.
So, today, I'm talking about the PC game Higurashi Daybreak.
Do you know this game? I'm sure that most of you do not know.
Why? The reason is very simple. That was sold at a few places.

At first, a player chooses one's favorite character.There are sixteen characters, who also appears in that comic. Each of them has two or three kinds of weapons.
After choosing a character, you have to choose a weapon.
By the way, the "weapons" are little strange. When you hear "weapon",you may image guns, missiles,or knives.Of course many of them uses such ordinary weapons, however some characters use chalk, rules, injections, or cameras. My favorite character is a free-lance photographer, Jiro Tomitake[Tommy]. He uses a camera as a weapon.
Next time, I'll talk about him and his weapons.



Colder and colder

It has become colder and colder.
When I waked up this morning, the room was cold.
I should have changed futon[a Japanese quilt] last night.
This summer, only a typhoon did not hit Japan,and the weather man
forecasts that typhoon does not come this year. Why? He expalined the theory, but I was not
able to understand it.

It is about seven monthes since I enter this university. Accustomed to living here , I has knew about Hiyoshi, for example ,stores, restaurants, and people.
I will talk about people in Hiyoshi next time.


Higurashi no nakukoroni

Today, I will talk about my favorite book.
The book is "Higurashi no nakukoroni", which "When cicade cry" in English.
The scene of this story is laid in Hinamizawa in June.[Hinamizawa does not exist in the real world.] Hinamizawa is a small village. There is no tall buildings, convenience stores , or even vending machines. The model of Hinamizawa is said to be a small village in Gifu Prefecture.
This story is composed of two parts; the former is called "Question"[episode1-4], and the latter is "Answer"[episode5-8].
In Question part, the end of each episode is bad; All people inhinamizawa are killed. But in Answer part the main characters begin to try to prevent tragedis from happening, and in epispde8,finally they succeed to stop them.



Before Episode3, Anakin fights a duel with Asaji Ventress, who is
Count Dooku's apprentice.[To be accurate, she is not a real sith.Dooku
regards her as a mere soldier. There are always TWO sith, not more or less.
The master is Darth Sidious, and the apprentice is Dooku, so Asaji will not be a sith ,
but "dark jedi"]
In conclusion, Anakin beats her ,but through the duel, he learns how to handle darkside
of the force. In Episode3, at last he changes into Darth Vader, the most powerful sith.
However ,after the duel with Obi-wan ,who WAS his master, he loses a hand and two legs.


Last Saturday,

Last Saturday, I went to the library to study.
In the morning, there were few people, so I concentrated on my works.
However, in the afternoon, there were more and more people and became noisy.
Besides, I was sleepy, so I decided to come back home.On my way home, dropping in at Hiyoshi Station, I bought a textbook and a book. The textbook is on accounting, and the book is on Marketing Management. The latter was expensive, I am planning to study with it hard!
At three, I arrived home. At that time, I was no longer sleepy. I began to read the book and thirty minutes later fell in sleep.
When I waked up, it was already at eight.
This is my Sunday Life!



I saw " STAR WARS/CLONE WARS” in August.
There were few people in the theater. I had looked forward to it.
However, it was more boring than any "STAR WARS"series.
I left there 1 hours later.
Since I came back home in Hiyoshi, I saw Episode1-6 by using youtube.
[youtube is very useful.]
I thought that Anakin is the most powerful.
But, my assumption changed. Judging from the stability of " FORCE",
Mace is more stronger than him. To be sure, he was killed by Palpatine,
that was due to bad luck.



Many jedi are killed by Clones all over the galaxy.
Jedi in the temple were killed by Anakin Skywalker.
Palpatine said to Anakin"Do not hisitate ,show no mercy!".
So Anakin kills even young jedi and children. It is a terrible thing. When Obi-wan finds these bodies, he asks Yoda" Who? Who could done this?"
At the last, Obi-wan fights with Anakin in Mustafar. I have seen the duel many times becouse it is wonderful. When I saw the scene 3 years ago in a theater, I was impressed with it. On the other hand in Coruscant, Yoda fight with Sidious[Palpatine].Their fight is very impressive, too.
Yoda's acrobatic movement is nice[It is impossible in real world].

It is three years since Episode 3 was released in Japan.This summer, "Clone Wars" will be released. Let's go to the theater on August 23!




In Episode3,which was released just 3years ago[On July 10th. It is also the deadline.] Anakin is 23 years old. At the beginning, the familiar two jedi fight with Count Dooku again. The last time,
they were defeated. But this time, Anakin beats him easily. Dooku has not become week, Anakin has become more powerful than before. However, he has gradually depended on darkside of the force. Even his [once] master,Obi-wan does'nt notice that at this time.
At last jedi order realizes that Palpatine is the sith, Darth Sidious. The four great jedis tris to arrest him. On the other hand, Palpatine says "That's treason,then." No sooner does he say that than attacks them with lightsaber. He kills three of them in a moment, but forced to engage in a hard fought struggle with Mace Windu. Fortunately[ for the sith, not for Mace], with Anakin's help, he succeeds to kill the jedi. After this, Anakin turns into Darth Vader and do terrible things.


I had a test.

I had a test yesterday. It was Cmmunication. It was not difficult, but I could'nt do my best.
It was the second exam for me since I started school, not first one. I had a middle term exam in June. The subject is Chinese. In a semester, we have two Chinese exams. The middle test was good because I only had to memorize pinyin. But this time, I have to master some grammar.There many words to memorize.I have to study in earnest.


How have I changed?

When I was in Shizuoka, I was very healty.For example, I rarely had a cold, or had stomachache and headache. But things had changed. I moved to Hiyoshi from Shizuoka in March, and since April I have lived for myself without parents' help.[Of course, food and money are sent from them]
I am not good at making meals, so gradually,I have been depend on fast food and junk food.
I lost weight and became unhealthy. Now my nose is running and Ican not stop sneezing.In addtion, I have a stomachache. I have to change my life style.



Between Episode2 and Episode3, there is another episode.
The episode is STAR WARS/ CLONE WARS. At the end of Episode2, Clone wars start.
Anakin is promoted to a jedi knight[not master, not either padawan]and has a padawan,Ahsoka.
[She is not in Episode3. so I think she has died ]
In fact, I don't know the story in detail. Broadly speaking, they fight, duel,fight ,duel and fight.
The new enemy of jedi and clones is Asaji Ventress. Though she is not sith[she is darkjedi], she is enough powerful to kill a lot of clones and some jedi.She even captureObi-wan.
I am going to see this movie this summer. I am interested in the way Asaji fight with lightsaber.


In Episode2 , Anakin has been 19 years.
He sees Padme again , who Anakin has loved since they first met in Tatooine.
A jedi is not allowed to love someone because feelings such as "love","anger",
and "hatred" caused destruction. From this point, Anakin begins to tread a path of sith.
At the end of this saga, Anakin [and Obi-wan] have a fight with Count Dooku, but they are defeated. Count Dooku is the sith. He was a jedi master ten years ago , but due to disappointment at the corrupted Senate, and death of his apprentice, Qui-Gon, he left jedi order.
Thanks to "attack of the clone" the Republic manages to win the war. However, Yoda fails to capture Dooku. He feels darkside of the forth nearby.What does it mean?



Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon and tries to kill Obi-wan too.
The young jedi loses his lightsaber and is on the verge of being killed.
To my surprise, with the help of forth, he hold his master's weapon and stabs him with it.
In the palace, Padme's team succeeds to capture Nute Gunray and the other members.
Obi-wan is promoted to jedi after this duel, and allowed to have a padawan. Of course, the padawan is Anakin Skywalker.
Then, Is episode1 is"happy end"? When I saw it for the first time, I thoght that. No. It is by no means "happy end", however no one realize the fact, even master Yoda. Revenge of the sith has already started,and the dark lord of the sith is ready to rule the galaxy at this time.



In Theed[Naboo's capital], Obi-wan and his master Qui-Gon is fighting with Darth Maul.
He is as powerful as the two jedi. He concentrates on the duel and doesn't allow them to take the lead in the battle. A ordinary viewer would think that the two jedi is trying to corner the sith, I thouhgt so at first. But it is wrong. The sith is stroger than the two jedi. Obi-wan is too young
and unexperienced. Qui-Gon is in sixties and becomes weeker and weeker. On the other hand, the sith is in thirties and matured. In addition, he has trained eagerly in order to kill jedi. He is a jedi killer.


In Coruscant, Palpatine takes office as a chancellor in order to save the situation.
He is from Naboo ,where the Trade Federation occupys and is one of the most excellent representatives.
On the other hand, Padme makes up her mind to turn back to Naboo and fight with Trade Federation. Palpatine opposed her opinion, but in spite of his warning, she leaves Coruscant.
Jedi Order sends two jedi to Naboo to guard the queen and fight with the sith. Of course Anakin accompanies them.
In Naboo's royal palace, Nute Gunray is talking with Darth Sidious on hologram. Sidious informs him that the queen is coming back there. [When I see the scene, I wondered why he knows the fact.] A "star war" is about to begin.



When they are about to leave Tatooine, Qui-gon is attacked suddenly by somebody with lightsaber.
The attacker is the dark lord of the sith, Darth Maul, who is Sidious's apprentice.He seems to be as powerful as ,or more powerful than Qui-Gon. After fighting with the sith, he succeeds to escape barely. The phantom manace shocks jedi order. Judging from the report of Qui-Gon, the jedi masters[Yoda,Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, etc] are convinced of the exsistence of the sith.



Episode1 "Phantom Menace" was released in 1999. I had never seen STAR WARS ,so I had no interest in the CM of the movie.
I saw STAR WARS on TV for the first time in 2002, when Episode2 was released. It was great!!
Since then ,I have been obsesses with STAR WARS.
The main character is Anakin, of course. The theme of this movie is "the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker" , so "STAR WARS without Anakin" is nonsense.The other characters are Obi-wan, his master Qui-Gon, and Padme.They meet him in a planet by chance. Qui-gon find out rare abilities in the 9-year-old boy.
Anakin determines to leave home, and to be trained to be a jedi. But they 're about to be exposed to the "phantom menace" .



When Luke is on the verge of being killed, Vader hold up the emperor's body and throw away at the expense of himself. He is not "The Lord Of The Sith", "Lord Vader" or "Darth Vader" any more, but A jedi knight!, ANAKIN SKYWALKER!!
Exposed to "forth lightning", Anakin dies. The theme of STAR WARS is the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. When he dies, the story ends.[In fact, there are more sagas after Episode6]
That's why there is no STAR WARS movie.If you are interested in Episode7,8,9, I suggest that you read novel version.
A ordinary person woud want to see Episode1 after seeing Episode 6. So, I will write about Episode1"Phantom Menace" See you!



The fact is that he is a twin and he has a sister, Leia.
Before the imperial rule started, Obi-wan left Luke with Anakin's uncle, and her with Bail Organa in order to protect from the threat of the empire, to be precise,
the threat of the emperor,Palpatine, who ordered Clone troopers to kill jedi twenty years ago. Obi-wan considered that if he had realized the exisence of Anakin's children , he would have killed them immediately, so he and Yoda hid the twins[ and themselves] from the emperor.
In Episode6 , Luke fights with his father again. He has been stronger than before and beats him However the young jedi is too weak compared with Palpatine. Exposed to electric shock of forth [Forth Lightning], Luke is suffering from the pain and would be dead without help.
I will talk the last part of Episode6 next time , see you !



After escaping from Darth Vader , Luke visit a planet[Tatooine, where Luke was born.] in order to help his friend, Han Solo. Luke and his friends successed to break into Jabba the Hutt's palace, but soon,they were captured. Although they got into troubles ,they managed to rescue Han Solo beautifully, and went back home.
While going back home, Luke dropped in at a planet where Yoda lives. To his surprise, Yoda had weakend with age. He advised Luke to keep training and tried to say something very important, but before finishing saying, left this world. What he was trying to say? You can know the truth even if you see DVD or read the novel.
I will talk about the story next time. See you!!



Episode6 "Return Of The Jedi" was released in 1983.
At first, the theme was "Revenge Of The Jedi" .But that was changed about ten years ago.
Why "Revenge " was turned into "Return"? There are two reasons.
First, Jedi will not "revenge". Jedi love peace and justice, and pledge allegiance to democracy, to the Republic. In sum, jedi are pacifist. The word"revenge " would not suit the image of jedi.
Second, in fact the word "revenge" was used as the theme of Episode3. Yes! The theme is "Revenge Of The Sith ". In the contrary to Jedi , Sith will "revenge" and and the word is suited to the image of the Sith[Load Sidious] . For these two reasons , the theme had to be changed.

Next time I will write about the story of Episode6.



Today, I will talk about Episode5 "The Empire Strikes Back".
In Episode4, Luke realized he was destined to be a jedi. In Episode5, he grew and became stronger, but he was not a jedi at that time, he was an apprentice.In order to be a jedi master, he visited a planet , where a great jedi master Yoda lives, and began training.

Even the training had not finished, Luke made up his mind to fight with Lord Vader.
In the fight, Luke lost one arm[Vader also lost one arm in Episode2], escaped by a narrow margin,and realized Vader is his father.From this time, Vader searched for Luke obstinately.

I will talk about Episode6 "Return of the Jedi".



As you know, my favorite movie is STAR WARS.
The first saga Episode4 "A NEW HOPE" was released about thirty years ago.
The main character is Luke Skywalker[20 years old],who is Anakin's son.
He lives with relatives on father's side. In fact, he is a twin. He has a sister. She lives in another planet. Of course they do not kwow that they have a sister or a brother at this point.They will know the fact in Episode6.By the way, why they have got separated from each other? If you want to kwow, you should borrow two DVDs[Episode4 and Episode3] from TSUTAYA ,and you can't live without STAR WARS,Ibelieve.


The rainy season has begun.

The rainy season has begun.
It will be rainy and cloudy for a month. I hate rainy season.

On June 11th, I have a midterm examination of Chinese.
It is very easy to write and read Chinese because it is similar to Japanese,however not easy to listen and speak. Fortunately, I do not have a lot of things to study beforehand.

My friends has begun part-time job. Should I begin it too? I do not have enough time to do it, but I do not have enough money. If I had 10000 yen, I could do many things. What I can do now is saving money.

The rainy season has begun.


Keio VS Waseda

Yesterday, We went to Jingu Stadium to see baseball game ;Keio VS Waseda.

I changed trains at Shibuya station and arrived at Gaienmae station at 10.
Because I did not know where to go, I walked and walked for thirty minutes around the station.
It was very hot though the before day, it was rainy and cold.

The game began, AND we won[It is very tough for me to tell about the baseball game in ENGLISH!].

After the game we went to a restaurant, and drunk[as uaual].
Today, I had no classes! Exellent!!



Today,on May 28th,I had three crasses.The first subject was Commercial Studies,the second one was Differential and integral calculus and the last one was Chinese language.
These three subjects are my favorite one,so I enjoyed studing them.

Tomorrow I have four crasses ;English[Comunication], Economics, and Biology[2hours].
These are tough for me, especially,Economics is very difficult to understand for me.
We will have a quis of it.

Tomorrow is MY BIRTHDAY!! I will be 19 years old soon . I am very looking forward to it!


From Izu to Hiyoshi

Last night we drunk. Most of our members drunk.
It was raining,so we did not play with fireworks. They will be used this summer.
Some of them drunk very much, and went to bed or stayed up late.
One of my friends said proudly. "I stayed up till 6 in the morning!" CRAZY!
The next day, we went to the aquarium, where we stayed for 5 hours.
Everyone were tired,so some fell in sleep there.

It was busy two days. I am doing my homework now.

From Izu to Hiyoshi



Since I started school in April,I have studying Chinese language.
Every students must choose two languages, which they will study for two years[if you make no trouble]. Most of them choose English ,which they had been studying for 6 years. For them, English is the most familiar languages except thier mother tongue.The other language is German, French, Spanish, or Chinese. I selected Chinese because I expected that I would master it easily because it is very similar to Japanese. In fact, Chinese is more difficult than I had expected, I should have chosen Spanish! I am studying Chinese now. Tough!



Nowadays, I began to go to vocational school in Hiyoshi.
The course is for those who will be a certified public accountant.
It is composed of four lectures, and if you understand the contents completely, you will pass the Third Grade proficiency test for bookkeeping.
The course is starts on 7,and ends on 9, so sometimes I become sleepy.
On Wednesdays, I have four classes in the university,which is very tough.

After finishing the course, I am going to apply for admission to enter the school.
It will cost me about 600000 yen and I do not have enough money at present .
So I have to start a part time job.



This Saturday,

This Saturday, I am going to Izu with my fellow circle members.
This is the first trip since I became a university student,so I am looking forward to it.

I am going to Hiyoshi Station by at 1 in the afternoon,and taking a bus . It will take about 2 hours to reach Izu. At hotel[Japanese-style hotel] ,we will eat , drink [Those who are under 20 years are not allowed to drink. I am 18 years old.So I will not drink. Unfortunately, however, most of the those who are the same year will drink without hesitating. ]

The next day, we are going to an aquarium . I want to go but I wil not enter it because it will cost very much. Ido not have enough money now.

In the evening on Sunday, we will come back.Everyone will be very tired and sleepy, Iam sure.


My favorite things4

I will write about my favorite semtenses.
One of them is "Everything is going as planned". Who said that?
Of course ,Darth Sidius.He said that in Episode 2 "Attack of the clone"
Because he was able to foresee the future, it was not so difficult for him to carry out his plan.
An ordinary person would not say such a thing,even a jedi master.
Darth Sidius is more powerful than any jedi,than most powerful jedi ,Yoda.
In three episodes[Episode2,5.6] , he says "Everything is going as planned"or "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen"
Another one is "Your arrogance blinds you"
In Episode3 Sidius said to Yoda before they were about to duel.
For those who have not seen Episode1-3,it is immpossible to understand the meaning of the line.
Even you see it once ,it is difficult. So I suggest that you see STAR WARS at least three times.
You should concentrate on the story.


Golden Week2

After staying at home for two days ,I came back to Hiyoshi-cho.
Because I had homework,I had to finish it.It was tough.

On May sixth, the crasses began. The first crass was Economics.For some reasons, there were less students than usual.Maybe they were tired,and so I was.In the latter of the crass,I became sleepy,and finally fell into a doze.

Next time I will talk about my favorite things[as usual]. "My favorite things4"

Golden Week1

We have holidays at the beggining of May.
The term is called "Golden Week".[Of course, it is Japanese English].
Many people move. To their hometowns,foreign countries,or theme parks,such as TDR[Tokyo Disney Resort] orUSJ[Universal Studios Japan].

On May second, I went back to my hometown ,Shizuoka.It took about 2hours by train to arrive there,and because it was rainning, I had to have an umbrella with me. On top of that,the luggage was very heavy. When I reach my house,I feeled very tired


My favorite things3

Today, Iwill talk about my favorite subjects.
I have studied "The five main subjects"Japanese language,Mathmatics,Science[chemistry,biology,physics and earth science],Social studies,[including World history,Japanese history,and geography] and English.
When I was a high school student, I majored in World history.I like it because it is like a"long story". After understanding the story,memorizing many words is not so hard[at least for me]
In fact,many students say"It is impossible to memorize these words"or "I should have majored in Geography instead of World history". They often try to memorize words by writting without understanding. Of course "writting" is important , but "memorizing without understanding" is waste of time.
I majored in Biology too.Contrary to World history ,I did[and do]not like Biology because I had[and have] no interest in it. If I had been interested in Biology ,things could have changed, I am sure.


My favorite things2

Hello,today,I will write about my favorite things too.
I wrote about my favorite movie ,so I will talk about my favorite book.
My favorite book is・・・・・・let me see ・・・Nothing Special!
I like reading books or newspapers,but I do not have so many books and I am not an avid reader.When I have a little time or I am in a train,I often read them.For example,"Harry Potter"[in Japanese and English] ,Star Wars,and textbooks of economics or management.

Harry Potter7 will be released in July.I am looking forward to reading it.

My favorite things2


My favorite things 1

As you know,my favorite movie is STAR WARS.
Of course ,I like the story and the characters.In addtion to them,I love the music[BGM].
I am sure that you have heard the famous music.
After seeing STAR WARS in the theater,I would read the novel[of STAR WARS]because the story is written in datail.I enjoyed myself twice.After reading,I bought[or borrow]DVD.
While seeing DVD,I would read comments on the screen. The comments are very interesting,so
I enjoyed myself Three TIMES.

STAR WARS are composed of two series.The first series was made about 30 years ago.
The main character is Anakin[Lord Vader]'s son,Luke.But concerning that when his father ,Vader die, the story ends, the real main character is Anakin. I think the theme of STAR WARS is "tragedy of Anakin Skywalker"



Hello,my name is Tetsuya Makita.Nice to meet you.
I am from Shizuoka Prefecture.Shizuoka is famous for many things.
For example,green tea,oranges,soccer,Mt.Fuji.The crimate is very mild,not too hot,not too cold.
So,the people is kind and not as stressful as the one in the cities.

My favorite movie is STAR WARS,especially,Episode3"REVENGE OF THE SITH".
I like Obi-Wan because he strong and modest,but the character I like best is Palpatine[Lord Sidious] .He is very patient.He had waited long time to carry out his purpose.His strategy is
great! It is true that he is evil and ugly, but he is enegetic and wise,so I respect him.
Through the movie ,I learned the importance of being modest and patient.